Text to Titlecase tool convert first character of your all words. This tool made by ucwords() function.this function is inbuilt PHP function. The ucwords() is supported by the PHP 4 and above versions. this function takes string or text as a parameter and change all the string's first character into uppercase. The other characters of the string remain the same.
The ucwords() is a binary-safe function.
Parameter : This function takes two parameters.First is neccessary.Second is optional either you can give or not its optional. Both parameters are explained below.
1. $string : This is the input string which can convert the first character of every word to uppercase.
2. $separator : This is an optional parameter.This parameter describes a character which can be used as a separator. For example, if the character is '|' and the input is "Naktech|sharma" then it means that the string contains two words "Naktech" and "sharma".